Sunday, November 9, 2008

About this blog .......

Hello Folks

This is yet another blog, things which have a deep significance to me and perhaps to some of you also ... and yet are not fully understood ! So perhaps we can together make sense of it all.

I start with a Shlok which captures the spirit of where I would like to go:

Om Sahanaa vavatu, sahanou-bhunaktu, saha-veeryamkaravahai
Tejasvina-avadhi tamastu, ma vidwishaavahai
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

I can generally CONSTRUE a meaning for this based on my reudimentaray knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindi. Now surely some of it is wrongly split on Sandhis or wrongly spelt. yet it serves as one of the foundations for my everyday faith.

This dichotomy is the reason for this blog.

I was brought up, like many kids today, with a Secular Modern education alongwith a healthy mix of Faith (, Family togetherness, & Festivals. This formula tested over many thousands for years has served to sustain the individual and the community through joys and trying times. But I have always felt there is something missing.

A satisfying rationale and a properly meaningful set of rituals or samskaras to sustain the faith,

Your thoughts and inputs will be welcome.
